₹20 is the minimum earnings required for withdrawal
FreeUPIcash tracks in
FreeUPIcash on Books
FreeUPIcash on Mobiles & Tablets - Electronic Accessories
FreeUPIcash on Kids Fashion - Boys Clothing
FreeUPIcash on GM - Automotive
FreeUPIcash on Fashion - Eyewear
FreeUPIcash on FMCG - Ayurveda & Alternative Health Therapies
FreeUPIcash on Electronics - Appliances
Note: Old users will get 50% of the above cashbacks.
1. Share direct links with your friends or followers on social media.
2. When users click on these direct links, they will be taken directly to the Snapdeal website.
3. If your friends or followers make purchases on Snapdeal after clicking your links, you will earn FreeUPIcash based on the same amounts as explained above.
Tap the yellow button above and shop as you normally would at Snapdeal.
Within 30 minutes of your purchase, FreeUPICash will be added to your account as pending credits. This usually happens instantly.
You'll receive an email and SMS when we add FreeUPICash to your pending credits.
The retailer then waits for the cancellation period to end and confirms with us whether your order was delivered or cancelled.
If your order was delivered successfully, once we receive confirmation from the retailer, your FreeUPICash will be credited to your account.
You'll get an email and SMS when we credit your FreeUPICash, and it's ready to withdraw.
Click out from FreeUPIcash before adding products to your cart on Snapdeal. This ensures your purchases are tracked correctly to earn FreeUPIcash.
Do not visit any coupon, cashback, or search engine websites after clicking out from FreeUPIcash. This can interfere with tracking your purchase.
Do not use coupon codes that are not listed on Snapdeal or FreeUPIcash. Using unlisted coupons can affect your eligibility for FreeUPIcash.
If your FreeUPIcash doesn't get tracked for any transaction on Snapdeal, raise a ticket with us by tapping 'Missing Credits' in your earnings section within 30 days of your purchase.
If your order was delivered successfully, once we receive confirmation from the retailer, your FreeUPICash will be credited to your account.
Make it a habit to visit FreeUPIcash before making any transaction on the internet, whether on a website or an app. This way, you could earn FreeUPIcash on your transactions, find coupons to save money, or both.